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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ways To Avoid Acne

In many cases acne can be avoided. There are lots of ways to avoid acne. Ways to avoid acne include dietary changes, skin care and home treatments.

This article will have information that explores ways to avoid acne.

Ways to avoid acne #1: Use a cleansing diet to get rid of the impurities in your system.

Ways to avoid acne #2: Clean your skin everyday.

Ways to avoid acne #3: Use a benzoyl peroxide lotion to keep blemishes at bay.

Ways to avoid acne #4: Check your cosmetics, foods and other products to make sure you are not having a problem with allergies that can be mistaken for acne.

Ways to avoid acne #5: If you eat a high-fiber, low-fat diet you are less likely to have problems with acne.

Ways to avoid acne #6: Some vitamins will decrease your chances of acne. Check with your doctor to see what she suggests.

Ways to avoid acne #7: Drink six to eight glasses of water a day. Water is important for the health of your skin.

Ways to avoid acne #8: Some people feel that cutting down on sugar, flour and caffeine is one of the ways to avoid acne.

Ways to avoid acne #9: If you have small blackheads or pimples do not pop them. This can lead to even more skin problems.

Ways to avoid acne #10: Don’t use greasy lotions and cosmetics as they contain oils that can promote acne.

Ways to avoid acne #11: Try not to take any medications that contain iodides or bromides.

The above information should help you find ways to avoid acne.


suthap klomrod said...

I want to keep this short and sweet because I have to run and just couldn't keep this to

myself any longer.

Over the last three weeks I have been on a new holistic program that I discovered in

the "Acne Remedies Guide". It's a brand new eBook written by former acne sufferer,

Victoria West. I was skeptical at first but put the methods to work and I have to say I

am dumbfounded! The guide contains step by step instructions on fighting the root

cause of acne, not just its symptoms.

I can honestly say that my skin is clearer than it's ever been. What's amazing about this

program is that it's all natural. Victoria dedicated the better part of a year to develop

this holistic acne fighting system with the help of a naturopath, Chinese medicine

fractioned and nutritionist.

Her methods don't involve any prescription drugs, expensive creams or other

gimmicks, just a specific diet and some secret recipes for acne breakouts and scar

healing that you can whip up in your kitchen.

It is honestly the most straightforward and easy to follow system for fighting acne that

I have ever come across. Check it out at the link below and let me know what you


suthap klomrod said...
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